Wednesday, April 13, 2011

'Tis the season

It's spring, soon there will be Renn Faires, gathers, Pagan Night out sort of things and they will shake off winter and come together to talk, eat, sing and do rituals. Will I be there? No...I have learned that the Pagan community here is not like the one I left in Texas. Here they simply do not reach out to other Pagans who cannot drive or who have physical issues. I feel left out, resentful and disappointed. I have lived here over six years and have yet to be made part of the Pagan community in any way other than online and even that is sketchy.

I miss drummings, gathers, nights at a coffee house talking and just being together. *sighs*


Beth Howard said...

Wow, it sucks that the community is so closed off! Seems like they'd be missing out on a *lot* of members without considering everyone.

eternal said...

Does suck, and it hurts too you know? One person here stays in touch and that's it.